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Tile Essentials Tour

Main Screen Work Area

The main screen is where everything happens. Once you've logged in, you will see a blank work area and your main menu, along with your customisable toolbar. All data entry screens, enquiry screens, reporting etc, can be found within the menus. Add the common screens you use all the time to the toolbar for quick access.


Your customer list contains all your account, layby and cash sale customers. Here you can add new customers, edit existing ones, set emails, create their discount structure, view financials and more.

Customer Sales Order

Customer orders are created here. Tile Essentials allows you to create sales orders that may sit in your system for months. The stock will be marked as on hold, allowing you to track exactly what is available, how much is on hold and your total stock. Visual indicators on the screen let you know if a customers normal price has been altered, you don't have enough stock at the moment, if the product is a non-stock item or discontinued etc. Finalise the sales order to an invoice once the customer takes the order.

Customer Receipts

Customer receipts can be allocated to one or more customer transactions. Allowing you and your customers to see what's outstanding.

Colour Selections

Customer selections can be created as you walk around with your clients, or after the selection has been completed. Email the selection to your client for confirmation, and then convert it to an estimate.
The selection is entered room by room, allowing your customer to see which tiles and grouts go where.

Customer Deliveries

Deliveries are created via the actual sales order. Then each day (week or whatever), you can print the delivery manifest to get a list of what orders are leaving the warehouse.

Supplier Purchase Orders

Purchase orders can be created and sent to via email, both to local and to overseas suppliers.

Stock Maintenance

Keep track of all your stock items. Sell them by the piece (each) or by the square meter. Eight different sell prices has you covered for your different customer types and quantity per box and box weights allow you to know how heavy a sales order is. All quantites are held at the shade (or batch) level, so you know how much of the stock item you have and also how much of each shade. Tile Essentials allows you to keep all the detail you need about each product.

Stock Transfers

Tile Essentials allows you to run with multiple warehouses. If multi warehouse tracking is turned on, you can create stock transfers between warehouses.

Tile Essentials Options

Tile Essentials has many options available, to allow you to run the software is just the way you need. Customise the software to suit you, not the other way around. Some options are system wide and others are per staff member. Need something different? Talk to us, we'll provide it if possible.

Software Security

Tile Essentials allows you to specify exactly what each staff member can do and see. Add a new login and set their security permissions. Don't want them to create purchase orders, no problem. Hide cost prices, prevent customer changes, allow individual stock reports. It's all possible with Tile Essentials. Want something locked down that currently isn't? Let us know and we'll get it done.

Tile Essentials Report Wizard

Tile Essentials has it's own report wizard, which not only allows you to see all the standard included reports that have been modified, it also allows you to create reports from scratch. Specify the data you need and create a report with grouping and totals in exactly the format you want.
Every report or print in the system can be modfied to suit your business. Most reports allow multiple modifications and you can choose to print which ever one you need. 

and so much more...

Tile Essentials has many, many more features to help your ceramic tile shop (retail or wholesale) run more smoothly. Call us today for more information on how Tile Essentials can help you.